On the contrary
Re: You are still implying that disembodied truth exists -- JHB Top of thread Forum
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Flywithoutwings ®

08/14/2005, 14:16:06
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You are still implying that disembodied truth exists

I am not implying that at all. And I don`t think Krishnamurti was either. The only truth that can exist is one embodied by entities, such as you and me or the trees and the stars. In fact, the whole universe may embody truth, or not.

in the absence of those entities, the very existence of truth disappears in a puff of smoke

Please, show me a place where entities are absent. Please point to it because I don`t see that such a disembodied place actually exists... other than as a thought, an idea, which is surely less than even a puff of smoke ? 

Lies, on the other hand, seem to be only embodied in human ideologies, and not in nature.

I could be wrong. This is just how I see it.

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