What do you think ? Is there actually anything like `self knowledge` ? Or is it just bunk?
I think it's bunk. A pre-scientific, religious notion that doesn't hold up at all to close scrutiny. Romantic flotsam. Glittery, mental dross for us to get tangled up in for a while before pulling our fingers out and saying "Enough!"
I have my own take on this. I suspect I`m not so different from others and the enquiry is perhaps the most interesting journey. So I keep asking myself the same questions.
Are answers dead ends ? or do they lead to more questions ?
Well, if you're looking for answers to anything from the likes of Krishnamurti or Ken Wilbur no wonder you'd get discouraged. For one thing, they don't know shit. For another, they've got a million ways of making you feel stupid for asking whatever.