Captain Kangaroo and Benny the Magic Bunny (OT)
Re: Mine too! -- Bunny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

07/19/2005, 17:47:41
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I doubt they had Captain Kangaroo on TV in the UK during the 50s, but in the US the Captain, in addition to Mr. Green Jeans, he also had a bunny that was a puppet, and another one that danced around to a tune called "Benny the Magic Bunny."  Anyhow, sometimes when I see you post, I think of that from way back in ancient history from the windmills of my mind.

Then I think of Prem Rawatk shooting rabbits with a shotgun in Australia because he finds it fun.  I can just see his multiple chins shake and shimmy as the gun goes off, and then I need some Pepto Bismal.

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