Well Rawat sure isn't going to plan for his own demise and until he gets a replacement for Serenity (the yacht he was forced to sell last year) it's unlikely he'll want to back off from maximising his income.
At present 'Rawat world' seems split on two fault lines, there's the 'respectability' tendancy focused around the Pascottos and TPRF, then there's the 'business opportunists' focused on Visions/Eversound. If Prem does take a back seat at some point, which one of these two factions gets the keys to the kingdom will depend on whether the any of the offspring have the inclination for a palace coup, and then upon which faction flatters which offspring the most.
Of course unless TheKeys starts to sell in volume or Rawat finds a new market that's going to generate real cash (India hardly makes the grade) then the current set up looks doomed anyway.