This proves premies lie!
Re: It's like... Where is Prem Rawat's "The Essense Of" talk gone? -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
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06/27/2005, 04:55:41
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At least the ones who say Rawat was talking about HIS Guru Maharaj Ji or some ethereal 'Guru Maharaj Ji'. Right below the quote is a picture of Rawat with the caption 'Guru Maharaj Ji'. This is repeated throughout the pubications of the time - all the transcripts of Rawat speaking were prefaced with 'Guru Maharaj Ji's Satsang' from wherever and whenever. All the tickets I have to events are to see 'Guru Maharaj Ji'.

The current revisionism is sickening, and is the main reason most of us stay around. If premies and Rawat stopped lying and hiding the past, then if people want to believe Rawat is the saviour, then fine, let them.


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