I agree, prem doesn't seem to let up, kind of like the energizer bunny, he seems to keep on going, but I think there's a lot more behind the scenes that we don't see. A few points to consider:
-EPO and the other related websites are powerful, and are having an effect, although it's effects are mostly with aspirants, not old time premies....but stopping propagation is what will eventually "starve the beast" and prem rawat and his minions know that.....almost everyone these days does an internet search on anything they might check out for any reason, and it's hard to ignore EPO.....when an aspirant does check it out, and question a premie about it, the premies denial or lack of meaningful response speaks volumes to the issue and raises further doubts...
-even old time premies, like many of us here, DID leave, just in the past few years, precisely because of EPO......I think EPO has created a sort of dividng line for old premies, in that it allowed a lot of us access to the inner workings of what rawat really does, and allowed us to finallly think for ourselves by showing the "hidden side' and encouraging dialogue and debate which was never publicly shown or tolerated before...the "lifers" will stay, and pride themselves in some wierd way on having the tenacity to survive another 'test of faith" like EPO...I say, let them stay, if that's what they want-it's their trap and they need it for some wierd reason...
-rawat is ADDICTED to being on stage, admired, listened to, and adored. He can't do without it, and it's getting harder and harder for him to get around the world to do so....also, when he can't personally fly his own jet anymore, due to finances or health, he will probably be far less inclined to travel.....without the props of hundreds or thousands of staring eyes in the audinece, he looks absolutely pathetic-remember the one video feed he did from his mcmansion?-he was absolutely depressed and it showed....without the stage performance, he is nothing, and pitiful to look at....
-his message is NOT unique, although it MAY be "singular in purpose" (whatever the hell that means...)...what I'm saying is that EVERYONE says the answer is within, and EVERYONE can proscribe a set of meditation techniques.....it's simply a personality cult, and I can't imagine ANYONE following the next "master", whether it is Daya, charanand, or anyone.....I think he's playing this out as long as his body holds up, and with his lifestyle and health issues, I don't think it's going to be too much longer.....really, when you look at what he offers, which is 4 techniques you can read about online, and his silly discourses, most people just say "where's the beef?"...
-I think EPO popped up at PRECISELY the time (5 years ago or so?) that rawat was attempting his big "comeback"....premies like myself were eagerly awaiting this "comeback' where the "world" would recognize him, and rather than prem being greeted as a "great master with a global message", he has been mocked, ridiculed, challenged and lost legal cases and arguments again and again....he has gotten bad publicity, except for the phony self-generated type of pr that his organization attempts...he has shown himself to be a petty, mean spirited, insecure man who will go to great lengths of revenge against former followers to avoid looking at the mess he has created and lives he has stolen...
-I think the pr campaign, the deception, the constant touring etc. is relentless, but I think it brings in very little new blood.....I think with all factors considered, rawat knows that the flock is dwindling, there are doubts amongst even the old time faithful (which cause things like donations to continue, but decrease, as premies entertain doubts, but still give something "just in case"(premie insurance), and there is very little, if any new response to him...if there is, it is not very passionate either, hardly anything he can work with....
No, I think he's on his last legs, will go down with the ship of fools devoted to him, and hopes that when he can't do it anymore, premies will continue the myth of the master who gave his all to save the world, but the world was too busy to hear, too blind to see....
I'm not worrying about him anymore, just kind of interested to see the last days of a dying cult, and the desparate attempts to salvage something from it...