What a load of tripe! "Surrender to Guru Maharaji"
Re: Re: Or how would you like a fake Lord of the Universe? -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

06/18/2005, 12:36:44
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Hey Prem,

I remember that satsang.  Oh, yes.

Prem, your whole caveman concept was absolutely ridiculous where the caveman goes out of his cave to get food because of his ego.  Come on, don't be such an pre-high school dropout, Prem.  Every animal on the planet has to eat, Prem.  They get hungry.  It's a biological necessity!

'And slowly and slowly of  course he became a caveman, and came down from the trees into caves, and so on and so forth.'

Wow, there's an eighth grade graduate's nutshell mastery of evolution for ya.  Sounds like the kind of quaint and juvenile knowledge one would acquire from watching a lot of TV.  Did you like watching American cartoons on TV, Prem?  I bet you did.  We've heard that back in the 70's, as a teenage Perfect Master, you spent hours and hours in your room watching TV and drinking.

Now that sure sounds like something every spoiled teenage boy would like to do.  And best of all there was no mother or father to boss you around.  And even better than that you had all these little brainwashed and very mindless sycophant devotees to boss around all day long as they waited on you hand and foot.  It's no wonder you could get away speaking such nonsense in front of thousands of people.  They'd never challenge you in a million years when you say things like this:

'Or we can come to a point where we take this one path which Guru Maharaj Ji has provided us, which every Perfect Master have provided us, and do that satsang, service, and meditation, to be in tune with all that is.  And be in synch, and not go into our head trips, but stay there, and be simple.  Be simple within inside us.'

Of course you wanted us to remain simple.  In order for us to stay suckered into your whole cult baloney and the every Perfect Master including Buddha, Mohammed, Christ, Moses, Ram, et al. we had to have simple minds.  Sure, we needed desperately to avoid our own head trips so you could have your giant God-size head trip.  It can't work any other way.

So, Prem, some 30 years later you've transformed that recalcitrant and very spoiled drunken teenager into...

Into what?

Oh, that's right. I know the answer.  I can think now.

Prem, you're a self-made millionaire investor, inventor, artist, musicsian, poet, philanthropist World's Leading Expert on Peace who speaks on college campuses and at the United Nations.

Wow!  What a transformation!  What a metamorphosis! What miracle!

Prem, you've gone from mindless to mindfully watching the store.

And so on and so forth.


Modified by Babaluji at Sat, Jun 18, 2005, 12:47:04

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