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Re: Here's a picture of the 'trailer' they bought -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

06/16/2005, 20:28:18
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There's something weirdly familiar about this initiative. I know's like the very early days all over again, when a bunch of starry eyed idealists tried to get some righteous dialogue across to the inhabitants of Little Satanstan, just at that moment in history when we heard about the alternative way of seeing things, & realised we were living in Kali Yuga.

All thanks to Shri Hans of course, that great Scientist of the Soul, & the man who never got a reply to the letter he wrote to JFK.

Aren't young people supposed to rebel against the ideas of their parents? It doesn't look like that's happening here, which is maybe all to the good.

If our generation hadn't reacted against the ideas of our own fathers, we'd probably have developed a society where going on exotic holidays to Burma, & turkey shooting the Nips, was the chill thing to do.

Mind you....

No, blissful though that might be, the guys in the cheapo seats at the back of the plane would still have had to pile up the bodies, & then burn them with petrol.

It's probably commendable in a way, that the kids who've got this together want to spread the word,but shit, I feel sorry for them.

Without the backup of dope dealers, hustlers, scam merchants,sharp accountants,bent lawyers,quack doctors,trust fund space artists,burglars,you name it; all who've seen the light & who have connections between London & Los Angeles, then forget it.

There's no critical mass here to keep them going. They're fooked.

So where are you all, you shrinking violet parents of these kids, who are so afraid of the nasty bastards on the internet that you won't take part in the discussion?

Hey...............Fuck You.

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