Re: Will, you say, 'we can publish our own experiences'
Re: Will, you say, 'we can publish our own experiences' -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

06/10/2005, 23:20:20
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I just love it when you talk clean Babu.

My own view is that something's got to crack at some stage. You've got a bunch of people with more money than sense, surrounding a nasty little c**t with more sense than money, or should that be the other way round.

Whichever way you look at it, I smell blood on the carpet.

I think Prem should make a Tarantino ending to all this, & come out at his next event with one of those electric gatling guns, spray some righteous lead onto the old baldies to show 'em who's boss, & let them know that being hosed down with coloured water all those years ago was just juvenile prank.

Yeah Prem, wouldn't it be soooooooooo gooooooooood.

Let's see the real you in public.

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