Pearls of wisdom up your arse.
Re: ***Warning: some quotes in above post may cause IBF*** -- Jim Top of thread Forum
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06/06/2005, 14:29:44
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The following quotes have been proven to cause Instant Brain Freeze (IBF) in certain individuals:  "To know is to be fulfilled; to know you are fulfilled is to know Peace." "The heart says "no;" it has to be real. Within you are beautiful jewels and the person who will decide if they are real or not are within. Present, then, to the heart that which is real."


Hi Jim,

I like the second quote best. But I don't understand how to get my heart to talk to me. Most words tend to come out of my mouth, some clatter off my fingertips, and occasionally my arse tries to speak, but always fails and leaves a nasty smell.

Sure my heart is real, but does this mean my liver, kidneys, spleen, guts etc are not real? And why is he suggesting we've been swallowing jewels? Anyone with any sense would sell them to a jeweller rather than eat them (although apparently Cleopatra drank pearls dissolved in vinegar). Does this mean, after the cultfest, the chosen ones went home and started poking through their faeces looking for diamonds and rubies.

And if they find any, they have to give them to their heart....hmmmn. I hope they wash them first.

Anth, who has decided not to poke through his crap with a stick looking for rubies to give to his heart. Anyway, if I found any I'd give them to my liver, which needs them more. And my kidneys could do with a few sapphires too.  

Modified by AJW at Mon, Jun 06, 2005, 14:34:52

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