Re: The ***WORST*** of Maharaji -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Henna ®

06/05/2005, 13:03:17
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"It was nothing but constant confusion and self-doubt."

"For me going to programs was always an effort in validating that I had made the right choice by throwing my lot and my whole self into Maharaji's world where he was my Living Perfect Master of our Time (aka Jesus Christ returned.)  I had to have that validation or else it meant that I had really made a huge, huge mistake."

Very good, very good "Babaluji".  Well expressed.

To Prem Rawat's "soldiers of deceit" and all his lawyers:

Look, you CANNOT intimidate us.  You CANNOT silence us. 

Prem Rawat has a lot to answer for.  Period.

Yeah, he will take the 5th.  So what? Lots of sweat I see your way.

You, big top hat lawyers, are going to sweat alot trying to prove that he didn't mean to harm or controll his followers, or "that what was said in the past" type of thing.  There is no such a thing as old K./Keys propagation material to attacts innocet people, as explained by the close team of ... you get the point. 

I know.  Rjchinook knows.

Rawat sees more legal troubles coming his way.  Tthat is why he's having more events.  He needs money.  I'm not as stupid as I appear to be at times.  I know that you know who I'm.

After all the proof we have of who he really is, are you really willing to represent him?  You would look to say the least, "funny".  Your reputation would be smeared.  MO.

Maybe you are ruthless as him and don't have any integrity to beging with.  Who knows what is in your core?  Your problem to figure.

Telling lies, to me/ followers, for decades was pretty bad,  Yes, I grew confused with my identity, my SELF.  Because of the brainwashing I was subjected to preparing to receive K. and from then on. 

Even when I stopped practing K. for a while, the self-doubts where there. 

Yes, anything, even being a Dead follower would have been better, anything.

Rawat was/is a sick individual and his past speaks for itself.

Was killing a pedestrian and making another human being take the legal blame and go to prision in his place, good?

Telling people to hate the mind is good?

Is telling your family members that voicing your opinion here makes you a hateful person, good?

What if your own family members still brainwashed by Rawat don't even want to see you?  Is that "okay"?

What if I don't like that P.R. is trying to deceitfuly recruit MORE young people, the general public, in that regard, any age human being.  Is that okay?

Hate your mind is not an AGYA you give the ones who you love.  He still implies it today.  Maybe someone can correct me.

P.R. cannot say I/followers while premies misunderstood him. 


Even if his people try to edit what he says, it's impossible to make a lie, true.  It's impossible to attarct new people without instillig self-doubt.  "Hate your SELF" love me, adore me is NOT okay.  Brainwashing the ignorant, the naive who don't know what- is-about-to-happen-to-you type of person is NOT okay. Telling new people and those still under his trap that the KEYS, or "his" is the Knowledge of all Knowledges, is not good.

I are tired of lies and don't want to take them anymore, because simply, is not RIGHT.

That my own family calls me a hateful person, that is not okay. 

I don't hate P.R. Well, according to the definition of the word detest, maybe I do.   To hate him would be too much to give to him.  You want to call me a hater?  That is okay with me.  How can I forgive him and love him after having realized what I gave to him?  MY MIND to be filled up with his garbage and living with it WAS/is not Okay.

I have no problem saying I DETEST PREM RAWAT/MAHARAJI. 

de·test   Audio pronunciation of "detest" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (d-tst)
tr.v. de·test·ed, de·test·ing, de·tests

To dislike intensely; abhor.


v : dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards; "I hate Mexican food"; "She detests politicians" [syn: hate] [ant: love]

[syn: hate] [ant: love]

How can I love such an enemy of humanity?

Should I feel ashamed of my feelings?  I don't think so.  They are more than justified.

Whoever and whatever they are in his side have the nerves to call the ones voicing their opinion "haters", "members of a hate group" and get away with it?  We'll see. 

I have proof that Rawat himself called the ones expressing his experiences and dislike toward him, haters.  Very gracious of his part.

Common lawyer/s, do some reading on all the sites against Prem Rawat.  Are you sure you can take it?


Is money so, so important to you that you're willing to "attack" those who were victimized, controlled and mentally abused?  So be it. 

Who are you representing?  Rawat even sue his own mother to have control of the Divine Light Mission gig in India.  Ludricous.

We know too much and that is why always (until we stop posting) will be around "maharaji people" wanting to tire us. Oh my, I'm so, so scared.

But you see, some of us do believe in GOD as a supreme intelligence who works in misterious way, and GOD knows better. 

When is over, it will be over. I tried to stay away from the forums but eben today RAWAT is affecting my life and I have the right to say it!

He is a evil greedy man, and it needs to be told. New victims may fall in his trap.... my own family memebers.

Oh yes, money is important, but so is courage, because courage is a virtue, not a disease.

Courage to feel what you feel and understand those feelings, and deal with them. 

Courage to have a voice and to deffend your present rights and the past ones, violated by such a sneaky little man. 

Oh yes, I can make fun of him as he made fun of me, and so many others.  He even made fun of President Clinton.  Pleeese.

Courage to stand for the truth is what keeps me around.  I want justice.  I want him to be know for what he is.   He is no GOD.  He is evil.

Of course, there is no price for what some of us have endured.  Money is NOT an issue here.  What can I get, a penny?  How many would be included in a class action suit? Pleease.....Justice.  I believe in justice. I want justice.

Even that sometimes it's hard to get justice because it can be difficult to prove the wrongs done to someone, in this case is absolutely, with no doubt OBVIOUS.  Rawat is a disgusting greedy entity.  

Is there something wrong with telling what is in your MIND? Of course not.  Specially when you are healing and able to see the whole picture.  Specially when you understand you were taken for a "sucker" and the abuser wants to call you an unlit match.

I'm in fire because he started it.


Henna, who knows alot about love and what it means being a mentally healthy human being.


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