Re: Does the term "Personality Cult" minimize the darkness of this group?
Re: Does the term "Personality Cult" minimize the darkness of this group? -- songster Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

06/03/2005, 03:44:07
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Good question Songster.

In my dictionary, I see two meanings of the word 'personality':

1) The complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual;

2) A person of considerable prominence.

In the first case, you are right. Most premies do not know Maharaji's personality at all. What they do know of his personality is projected through videos and stage performances only.

But in the second case, it clearly is a 'personality cult', meaning a cult that is centered around a 'person of considerable prominence' - at least prominence to members of the cult.

You may well be correct that all cults are centered around a personality in this second sense. But in the case of premies, Maharaji's 'prominence' is absolute. His following is nothing but a collection of people who believe he is God or God-like, the Lord, a (or rather 'the') divine incarnation, Satguru, one and only true guru for this age etc etc.

Or, if you prefer to define his prominence by what premies think he does, rather than by what they think he is, then he is the bestower of the Grace (sorry, 'inspiration') that a premie needs in order for the Knowledge they have received to work. Among all committed premies, even the apologists who post here from time to time, the most important thing in their lives is their 'connection' to Maharaji.

It is thus a cult where one person (a 'personality') has absolute prominence, and all others have no prominence whatsoever. Amongst all these others, there may well be jostling for position and access to the inner circle; but in the eyes of the one who has absolute prominence, everyone else is constantly failing, and needs to be constantly begging for the Grace.

-- Mike

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