Posted by:
Rjchinook ®

05/30/2005, 19:21:17
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There are a few people here that have questioned my motives and/or my REAL identity for posting on this forum. Given your past with Maharaji I can understand why several ex-premies may question my motives for being here.
First of all I want to make this CLEAR to everyone that I have no way of ever knowing how it would feel to be in your shoes. I can only COMPARE some of the similarities in our own SEPARATE life journeys.
As a Native American woman I have been involved in activism for myself, other Native American issues & violence against women. My activism began in my old hippie days protesting the Vietnam War and has gone on (& off at times) through-out my life. It is in my Warrior Spirit. I can on & on about Native American Wannabe's & Culture Vultures, but this isn't what this forum is about. If you want to know about this side of my activism feel free to PM me. 
Anyway, so when I innocently attended a meeting about INNER PEACE, and soon learned it was really about PREM RAWAT& his cult I became VERY ANGRY. Then I became even more angered because of how DECEITFUL this meeting was. I have done some research about various cults and The Church of Scientology, I believe is one of the worst. But the one thing I've never personally encountered from The Church of Scientology is the form of deceitful recruitment that Prem Rawat & his cult uses today. I have been approached by Scientologist before & they were up front about who they were. Also, as far as I know when anyone goes to their centers its common knowledge its The Church of Scientology. 
I have learned that most of the people here were involved in his cult before he reinvented himself as a so-called MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER. So many of you may not know what these INNER PEACE meetings are like. The whole thing seemed VERY VAGUE and (as I learned) there is a reason behind this & every step is well calculated to get you sucked in. I realized I became even more curious & that's also part of the plan. Which really pisses me off! But what they didn't PLAN is for me or anyone else to come here    
Now with that said, Lexy made a snide remark after I shared my thoughts about Eileen's & Livita' posts, and about what I've learned in the process of my own healing journey.
Look, anyone here can take it or leave it, its a forum for pete sakes. I would never want to give anyone the impression that I am trying to present myself to be some all knowing healing guru! 
I'm far from it & to WALK IN MY MOCCASINS you would know. 
I have been through hell & back and I'm growing & learning everyday. Part of my path is sharing what I've learned with others & I don't see anything WRONG with that. 
What's been really funny since I've been here is having Eileen question my identity & accuse me of being someone I'm not on this forum & PM's to me. She sounds very paranoid and scared of something. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for her. 
So despite everything & after giving it much thought I've decided to stick around. WHY? Because I don't believe that Prem Rawat should be allowed to continue recruiting people in to his cult and I want do whatever I can to help STOP him! 
It's quite simple so eat your heart out Eileen

Modified by Rjchinook at Mon, May 30, 2005, 19:23:13

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