Re: stats and experience
Re: stats and experience -- ghi Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Steve ®

05/30/2005, 17:14:41
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I agree. I too know quite a few people, both exes and premies who have moved forward in their life without blame. Financial and career struggles are not necessarily all due to time spent with Maharaji. 

In fact I beleive that if we blame others for our misfortunes we give away our power . . . our power to change and as you say, move forward. 

I still believe in justice though.

One person I found helpful in my recovery from M is Tony Robbins and one of Robbins 7 rules of success is, "Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves us." IMO this a useful belief that gets us saying yes to life. We can move on only after we accept things as they are. Its no use crying over spilt milk etc. 

To M's credit he said "If you like it fine, if you don't like it walk." I walked away from M and took the techs with me . . . probably not what he meant.


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