Re: Nice little bit of apologism there, Liv...
Re: Re: Nice little bit of apologism there, Liv... -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sulla ®

05/29/2005, 00:41:15
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"As I have said many times, the ones who made it through with the least damage were the ones who didn't really take literally, doubted, or ignored, much of what Maharaji actually said, like that there was a WHOLE LOT more to it than SS&M, and that total devotion and surrender were required."
Hi Joe
I keep thinking that there is no least or major damage for premies. We were all damaged, in what we all believed what M wanted us to believe, we were all deceived and I agree that it wasn't our fault. Yes, some of us didn't take everything literally but with the ambiguous  messages, how could you?, at least premies were able to choose and they learned very well how to, sometimes following their ideals and sometimes following convenience. I learned what old premies taught me to do: to ignore what I didn't understand, because what I didn't understand just wasn't for me. Show me that premie that has never had doubt. We all had "mind", we all had doubt, that's what M wants. Doubt hooked us to K and M, more than K experiences at all. I think it was enough with SS&M  for total devotion and surrender. How could one  measure it? We were all the same; married, single, with children, without, with careers, without them, with money or without, in ashram's or not.Some did more SS&M some did less. I believe that M ashram messages were ambiguous, ashram premies were told different things than the rest of us. A premie friend who was in the ashram also told me that. She left because she was going to get married, with a premie not in the ashram. 

Modified by Sulla at Sun, May 29, 2005, 00:42:43

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