Re: Not to belong (a short autobiography)
Re: Not to belong (a short autobiography) -- Pirjo Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
shelagh ®

05/27/2005, 10:58:27
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Hi Pirjo!  And welcome!  Wow, what a story you tell!  And such honesty too.  I hope you'll consider writing more--you seem like a writer with the vivid details you offer.

I have always felt like an "outsider" too--in fact, I think that was one of the reasons I wanted so much to be part of the premie thing--to BELONG!   To someone, something...especially something that seemed to promise so much love and understanding.  My years in an orphanage probably primed me for this bit.  But I also know that in many ways, people are very alienated from themselves in many ways these days.  It takes a lot of work to find oneself. (another seeming promise of the Knowledge trip).

My life is as full of change and (dare I call it, muddle?) as yours seems to be--but who knows, perhaps our souls needed to look at all that for our learning?

One of the "muddle" parts of my life were the four years I spent in, yes, Sweden!  In Uppsala, from 1964-1968.  I picked up Swedish fairly quickly just from listening to people and the radi and such--a nice language--not nearly as difficult as German, French, and others I have a smattering of.

Did you know there's a "journey" section on epo, where you can write your "journey" with knowledge, if not your entire history!  There are some fascinating accounts there.

Anyway, I encourage you to write more!  Write your story!




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