Jonx. I believe I can answer your question. It's simple.
Posted by:
Pat W ®

05/26/2005, 06:39:39
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Interesting to see people like you showing up with such unexplainable negative conviction. Why are you so quick to believe these people are telling the truth about Maharaji? Really, do you just believe it because you read it? On the web, no less! Astonishing! In my view, these people do not represent in any way the truth about Maharaji. So why don't you believe me with the same conviction as you do them?

Hi Jonx,

Isn't it fairly obvious that RJ got his first bad impression about Maharaji at the 'Inner Peace Meeting? From what he says it is clear that he came here after the event to see whether his initial impression that Maharaji was a con-man was a more widespread belief or indeed if there was any evidence that he was so on the web. So isn't it understandable that he would feel grateful to discover that he was not alone in having a negative judgement of Maharaji?

Maybe if Maharaji and the premies at the meeting had made more sense he wouldn't have been so appalled as to even think any more about it.

As regards believing you with conviction. Well, you have some work to do there I think. But his invitation is really sincere and back-atcha! I really think you owe him a reply - even if it has to be in private.

And what makes the web such an unreliable resource for people wanting to check something out? The web is known for being the one place where you can see all sides of the subject. If you say he shouldn't believe as gospel, web-related info about Maharaji you have to include all Pro -Maharaji sites too don't you?

The fact is there is nothing remotely astonishing (to anyone other than a premie anyway!) about what he has expressed. It seems what is so confronting to you is that he can be so confident in his convictions from the get go. I'm impressed too. I thought his answer to you - inviting you to offer some good reasons he should believe you was extremely well-put..and passionate. Top marks to him!I think you can definitely expect to see more people reacting this way since the public are more informed and rightly wary these days. People are fed up to the back-teeth of smug wooly-thinking cult followers and their leaders. Let you and Maharaji PROVE you are different!

If premies and Maharaji are going to get out there with their message, they simply will have to deal with people wanting more 'truth' than they were given in the 70's. It's a fact.

Modified by Pat W at Thu, May 26, 2005, 07:00:24

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