Ok, Livia, I got the point. I get it now. I've had a real breakthrough.
Re: missing the point, Babluji -- Livia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

05/25/2005, 22:25:46
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

As the Admin of AAA I never actually read a lot of the awful discussions that you were involved in simply because I was not interested in the topic.  However, 'glancing' at those posts I easily and quickly detected that virtually EVERY poster was absolutely fed up and disgusted and frustrated by you.  And their responses were such that I was concerned for you well being.

However, that's all changed now.  I'm reading your posts (here) and I understand the frustration of the AAA posters with your discourse and your arguments.

You make little sense.

Your arguments and theories are nonsense.

And on and on it goes.

Livia, I'm not going to waste my precious time reading your posts.  And I'm certainly not going to waste any more of my time responding to your posts.

I guess that might be called taking responsibility, huh?

Livia, you're a looser and I'm not!

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