Hare Krishna Abuse Cases Settled
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05/25/2005, 08:23:42
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From Yesterday's Washington Post:  


The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California approved a plan for the Hare Krishna organization to pay $9.5 million to about 550 alleged victims of sexual, physical and emotional abuse in its U.S. and Indian boarding schools during the 1970s and '80s. Each plaintiff will receive $2,500 to $50,000.


Six U.S. Krishna temples sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2002 because of the abuse claims. Spokesman Anuttama Dasa said the movement's Washington-area center, the New Hastinapur Temple in Potomac, was not among those in bankruptcy but is voluntarily contributing to the settlement.


The Hare Krishna movement, which belongs to the Hindu tradition, has about 100,000 members in the United States and 1 million worldwide, Dasa said.


He said the settlement eventually would allow the U.S. organization to emerge from bankruptcy. "This is a positive outcome for what's a very sad situation," he said.


P.S.  From Today's News:  Britain is suffering a sense of humour failure, with laughter levels three times lower now than 50 years ago and nearly half of all adults unable to enjoy at least one big guffaw a day, research showed. 


Perhaps it was the Hare Krishnas at Heathrow Airport over the past 30 years trying to sell them that big ass Gita  (which was badly in need of a good editor).

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