Yes, same all over the US
Re: Re: Welcome again -- Rjchinook Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Henna ®

05/24/2005, 22:47:46
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well, most of it.

DOES anyone know if this is the usual number of people who attend these first presentations? There were MORE than enough chairs placed out, at least 20 or more. So isn't this GOOD NEWS? That less people are fallen victim to this kind of recruitment? What about the Seattle area, I'm sure more would have attended there. Also, are they allowed to recruit on college campuses? I live in a VERY COLLEGE town with one BIG-State University & 3 - 4 Community colleges. If they were recruiting there I would personally DO MY BEST TO STOP IT! 

Hi again,

Yes, I heard from somebody who participated in a few national phone conferences between Elan Vital=Prem Rawat and all the slaves, sorry, I meant to say followers, doing service for the ex-Lord of The Universe, his "majesty" that propagation (recruitment of new prospects to be"lucky to know the Keys people) is VERY bad.

The numbers keep shrinking and shrinking. 

According to this person, in his community they hardly had any new people, for years!  Hundreds of dollars were spent monthly to set up the events.  I can imagine now, as expensive as the gasoline is lately the ones setting the events must be watching the videos by themselves.  

The KEYS are free, sure.  Did you see a donation box at the information table at the event you had the wonderful experience?  The local people pay for everything.  Rawat NEVER spent a cent. He only receives.  Oh, I'm wrong, he gave away some rice once and also, "gave" some money to the countries affected by the sunami,  money the premies/followers donated .

Would you like to see his Malibu mansion? I can link you to it.

In a serious note, 

Best regards,



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