Re: I'm pretty sure she deleted them herself.
Re: Original message -- Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Pat W ®

05/23/2005, 15:36:13
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Leave Cynthia out of this or I'm gonna click into reptilian and really tear you a new asshole, pal. I'm making no such admissions because I don't believe your basic proposition that people are afraid of posting here because of persons unknown to them, thousands of miles away might be rude. There are lots of reason why people might not want to post, "rotten vegetables" springs immediately to mind. Rudeness is probably way down the list. Except for nancy boys like yourself, I guess...

Excuse me but you brought Cynthia into this- NOT ME. Anyway what makes her so sacrosant that no-one can criticise her? She's perfectly capable of defending herself after all. I don't think she needs you to stick up for her. So how exactly do you propose to 'tear me a new asshole' and don't you think that using such threatening language might get your ass removed from this forum? I hope so.

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