Re: So, cq
Re: So, cq -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

04/13/2005, 07:06:54
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If Kate was born in '75, she'd would've been between 2 and 5 years old during my time at the Rajneesh ashram in Poona, so the short answer is - I don't think so.

As for the sex in the 'shram (now there's a title for a movie!), there were two main angles:

1. The "encounter" - type therapy groups, which, since they were held in the nude, could lead to the occasional spontaneous orgy, though the focus, believe it or not, was on the therapy. This however, didn't prevent many a therapy group leader from bedding the most attractive participants.
2. The residents of the ashram (there weren't very many - most of us sannyasins either lived in cheap hotels in Poona or built our own huts) for whom life was often a continuous string of purely monogamous relationships, though there were a few (a very few) who stayed loyal to each other for more than six months. The average time a couple spent together as an "item" was, I'd estimate, about a month or two. But it was quite an experience to go past the ashram late of an evening - it wasn't only sex that was encouraged, but loud sex!. The sounds of impassioned orgasmic yelling and screaming that carried over the suburban Poona streets in Koregaon Park were quite a tourist attraction in their own right.

Apparently, shortly after I left in about 1980, Rajneesh began giving dire warnings about what AIDS was going to do to the world, and consequently not only condoms but rubber gloves(!) become obligatory for all sexual encounters. Looks like I got out just in time!

As for satsang, service and meditation - they were staples of life in the Rajneesh ashram too, but the main difference was that Rajneesh (at that time) didn't play on the messianic fervour of the kind that Rawat encouraged. So, if I was a young buck in my early twenties again, given the choice between Rawat and Rajneesh, the answer's simple: fuck celibacy!

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