I'll second that thumbs-up!
Re: Re: Open the window a little wider -- quirky Top of thread Forum
Posted by:

04/11/2005, 19:02:06
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Why do humans think it is necessary for there to be "something more" that what it is that they have now? 

Seems to me that if you are chasing the "pie in the sky," you miss the stuff that is being fed to your senses right this second....... which is pretty amazing stuff when you think about it for something more than a second or two.

I mean, folks....... think about it!  You look up in the sky at night and there are, almost literally, countless stars there.  Those stars, galaxies and gases/dust are hardly "static."  Show me someone that thinks the universe is static and I'll show you someone that hasn't taken the slightest time to investigate ANYTHING about it.

Look down and notice the lowly blade of grass......... it's wonderous beyond compare!  If you don't see that, you just don't "see."  You are jaded, not thirsty.  Take the edge off that jaded self and contemplate that lowly blade of grass....... it's amazing. 

Now look in-between at all the wonders that exist.  Crap...... if you are thirsty, go get a drink of water!

Modified by NAR at Mon, Apr 11, 2005, 19:05:35

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