Hi Jonx,I think all of us "good people" (that's the bit that sounds really arrogant btw) used to say that knowledge was not a belief system including Mike Finch.
So now you are freed up to eat anything you want, are you also free to over-indulge in alchohol and have affairs too? I was interested to know what your present beliefs are? :-
Do you believe that knowledge was a gift from Maharaji?
Do you believe Maharaji is the Lord incarnate?
Do you believe that Maharaji has had a long term mistress?
Do you believe Maharaji was mistaken to trust Mike Finch with preparing aspirants for knowledge and revealing the techniques to them?
Do you believe it is just possible that Mike did 'get it' and decided it wasn't enough?
Or do you believe you should never leave room in your mind for doubt?