Cynthia wrote: >You don't answer questions adequately and I'm not the only one who has told you that. <Please tell me what important questions I have not responded adequately and I will try to answer them now but please do not overwhelm me with many unimportant question and then complain that I did not answer all of them and also please accept that I do not have such a degree of certainty as you have. And also do not complain that I have have not answered the question adequately only because you disagree with my answer. If you do not list the questions here then please retract the accusations that I do not answer questions here.
Cynthia: >You often tell us ex-premies you don't believe what we say. That's very disrespectful to us. But you don't care. <
I do not always agree with the interprations that you give about Rawat and the DLM. It would be disrespectful to premies if I the believed the interpretations of ex-premies uncritically. I agree that it would be disrespectful if I showed excessive scepticism to factual stories of people here, but that is something I have not done, as far as I remember.