I haven't watched a Rawat video for years but after the discussion of 'Passages' I thought I'd watch it. 'Evolution' is pretty much empty of content - it simply shows Rawat a lot from being a small child, to coming to the west, set to 'new-age' music. The only words are small clips of Rawat speaking (not including any of the incriminating stuff about being God) from the different ages and Rawat talking about evolution for the video. There's lots of shots of audiences with Rawat's face hovering above. I used to think these videos were well produced but this one is very amateurish. It's definitely one for the devotee as anyone else qould quickly tire of seeing Rawat's face at different ages.One thing occurred to me watching the clips of Rawat with his father. I'm sure as in any family there is as much film of Hans with his other children as with Prem, but their absence from this film reinforces the belief that Hans had a special regard for his youngest. John.
Modified by JHB at Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 08:12:36