I heard that, too, Baba! She must have said it more than once...... to the ooohs and aaaahh's of the crowd. Everyone shaking their heads "no," when the subject of him every being thought of as a fraud!
Well, it looks like his Hans Jayanti satsang has come to pass. Remember what he said about the little window opening up, his face popping out and saying, "fooled you!" I'm pretty sure it wasn't intended to be interpreted that way, but it sure was prophetic, no?
This was the same satsang where he noticed a rainbow forming above our heads and waved his hands (at the appropriate moment) so we'd all look up and........ there it was..... a god-inpired rainbow where none should have existed. Yeah, right! We were sitting next to a what? It was a body of what? Rainbows just never show up next to lakes..... nahhhhhh!