PRAISE, praise, praise and more praise!
Ok, that could be taken in a few different ways: Lexy, as I said in the post above, "I" think you make very valuable contributions to this forum. I concur with everything that Jim said in his post about that very thing! Any ex is important and what they have to say is important.
Learning (or should that be re-learning) how to think, after experiencing a cult for so long, is probably the hardest thing a human being can do, IMHO. If I may provide some advice, gently: Thicken thy skin and "let us have it!" The only way to relearn thinking is to actually think, express and defend your ideas. Running away from a fray isn't the way to go. As long as you stay rational, logical and intellectually honest, you are well on your way.
As my daughter used to say, "c'mon daddy, put up your doots!" (translation: lift your fists like you are going to fight). Sorry, I guess you had to be there!