"sod off" = common English expression - considered semi obscene because of interpreted meaning (1) and comparative to "piss off" in the sense of "go away".
(1)sod = contraction of sodomite (probably not the origin for "sod off")
(2) sod = a turf, wet grass, - related to sodden i.e soaked through, wet
(3) sod = variant of sot - a drunk, someone halfwitted (pissed). In South West UK the term "he's a sod" or "daft sod" can mean someone who is untrustworthy or unreliable - frequently in a semi affectionate sense. In this terminology sod is interchangable with 'bugger' hence the confusion of sod and sodomite. Bugger off is actually more acceptable amongst the UK middleclass than is piss off - sod off although very much of working class usage has been 'adopted' for middle class use where it has gained an ironic inflection.
Seems our Jonx has spent time in the UK - but surely he's closer to the lotus feet than languishing in these damp islands that are so neglected by his master.