Re: Musings on happiness, P and ExP and other stuff
Re: Re: Musings on happiness, P and ExP and other stuff -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
quirky ®

03/29/2005, 23:01:05
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You said: I was one of those ashram-types who got all the fire and brimstone from Rawat at ashram meetings, but to be fair he was pretty fire and brimstone to almost everyone for some years there. It was very damaging to me and others, but one of the main topics here is pointing out that Rawat hasn't taken any responsbility for it, or even admitted it happened.  So, to the extent premies say he doesn't have to, or deny the experiences that we had, or blame the victim, then exes can get a bit testy with premies for obvious reasons, because it becomes personal.

I think this is a key thing. I spent all last week until 2-3 AM obsessively reading the archives, Dettmers, the Jugdeo stuff, everything (maybe that's why I am now home sick, not enough sleep). Anyway, Having left M before knowing any of this stuff, just following my gut feelings to split, and picking up so much what Carl Jung would call "shadow" around Mr. Rawat these days, I now see that one of the best "arguments" against Rawat is this lack of taking any responsibility for anything. If it is not his professional downfall, it will be his personal demon. I do not envy him or his sad, weird life.

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