Yeah, thank god that Rawat never showed any interest in getting his hands on the levers of power, else we'd all be in a worse state than China (common expression in the NW of England in a previous generation for someone between a rock & a hard place),or maybe that should be N.Korea. Some of those WPC boys were capable of just about anything given the right 'direction', & I'm ashamed to say that mostly they were British.American lawyers,French psychologists,Swiss banks,& British thugs......... with people like that behind him it's a miracle really that the Lord of the Universe turned out to be so incredibly greedy that there was never any money left over to start monkeying around with the political process,unlike Rajneesh in Colorado.
What these tyrants have in common is their breathtaking hypocrisy. Pol Pot's blueprint for Cambodia was a Phd thesis he wrote whilst a student at the Sorbonne,yet he murdered anyone with an education. Rawat's Knowledge of God was predicated on renouncing the pleasures of the flesh, yet the little shit was getting pissed on brandy,smashed on dope,eating meat,& fucking his devotees, whilst his followers were living on lentils & trying to tie a knot in it.
One consolation is that all these bastards die in the end,just like everyone else, but of course that's not much good to those unfortunate souls who croak before they do.