Re: Prem can't fly but he sure can dance ! He could market that too!
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Posted by:
Hussain ®

03/22/2005, 14:29:01
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Thanks for sharing. Yes indeed, the Lard would look so cute and cool and hip if he could market, through EV, DVD's of his dancing... it could be a greatest hits of PREM DVD, exclusive offer for a donation of $59.99 or more.
The only way to pull off the yogic flying would be if he could find a double who is in good physical shape. It would just be too hard on his back, heart, and of yes, I forgot, a bad hangover with head pounding and upset stomach would make yogic flying (yogic flying, definition, hopping around on a mat)too much for even the lord of the universe. Yogic flying could also damage the cute little krishna outfit he wears. Anyway, let me know if you think of a way he could pull this gig off.

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