It's funny that you mention Rotary, because an old friend of mine is fairly high up in his state's rotary organization...
He has told me that it is made up of very successful individuals, and that the "ethics level' is very other words, they don't want any bad apples....they are required to attend weekly meetings at least 60% of the year, there are strict requirements to get in, strict moral codes to be observed, and they do not want people who want to "feather thir own nest", but people who truly want to help and serve others less fortunate than themselves...for instance, they have taken on the global goal of eradicating polio, and I think are trying to address either homelessness or hunger as well....
One letter to the right rotarian would convince them that they might not need to hear prem rawat's "message of peace", without some questioning at the least...
Unfortunately, I'm too embarrassed to ask my friend to do anything, and I think that being the Indian chapter of Rotary, they might cut prem some slack...
But no way would he get anywhere in the US Rotary, no way, if they saw EPO...