Very nice, EXCEPT you've forgotten
Re: A new website dealing with Prem Rawat -- PRM Info Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Guru Maharaji ®

03/18/2005, 00:21:16
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Seriously, that's a great looking website without a lot of great information, but you've forgotten one of the most imporant links related to Maharaji and that is:

IMHO, this is one of the most important websites related to Maharaji because of the video and audio content.  There's nowhere else where you can see movies of Maharaji dancing or giving darshan.  However, this website is not getting as much traffic as it should because it is not being linked to by the other websites.  And being linked to by other websites helps search engines rank it higher.

I do thank Mike Finch for his link that is generating traffic to this important website.

And I do see a lot of referrals from the EPO SiteNews page at

Remember a picture is worth a thousand words and a movie is worth thousands of pictures.  And these are modern talkies.

And I'm adding a link to right now.





Modified by Guru Maharaji at Fri, Mar 18, 2005, 00:22:18

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