Where is this one from again? Sorry, I must be confused! Is this from the Japan satsang or the Boston interview? This definitely proves something.
In the same way, we can go lower and lower and lower and lower and lower and lower consciousness and get these freaky feelings. But get out of them, and those things aren't there at all. Because the world is made up of two things, good and bad. You know what I mean by bad: spirits, devils, Draculas, Frankensteins, werewolves, and so on. But beyond that is goodness, and once we come into goodness, what can a Dracula do? He wouldn't come there at all, just like it's impossible for a Dracula to walk at daytime.

By the way, Jim, in this photo, the third guy in from the left is Dr. J. Gordon Melton, NRM Scholar, who plays Dracula on his time off and is/was? the President of the Transylvania Society of Dracula - American Chapter. His buddy, Massimo Intovingne, the founder and head man at CESNUR, is another Dracula/Vampire guy, but must not have been able to make it. Is Dracula a religion and am I being intolerant?