But while you're at it, what do you think of adding that other quote Hilltop posted a week or so ago, the one where Rawat talks about Knowledge giving one super powers which, however, he could and would take away instantly if one wasn't devoted enough to him?
There was one mahatma and he had Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge. And this mahatma meditated and meditated and meditated, and I guess finally took control of what he took control of. And so he was able to lift water and bring it to his lips to drink it just by looking at it, and perform this and perform that. He used to live in Prem Nagar. (For whoever has been to Prem Nagar, at that time the big building wasn't there. There was only the little building with the arches and the little kitchen-type set-up.) And Guru Maharaj Ji came and everybody came and did pranam. Except for this one.
And it was like, "Come on man, what are you guys doing? Look at me. I have realized it!" Just like that, mind comes. "Yeah, you've got it man. You've got it." I mean, yes, he had been revealed the Knowledge. He had brought his realization to such an incredible level to be able to control the elements of nature. He could have, at that point, just split. And actually he did. His mind segregated him from being a devotee of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Now remember. He still had Knowledge. He was still at the ashram. And yet when Guru Maharaj Ji came, he didn't do pranam. He didn't get up and do pranam. So Guru Maharaj Ji took one look at him and said, "What are you doing? What's up?" Guru Maharaj Ji I guess had heard the story and Guru Maharaj Ji said, "Listen, that's my Knowledge through which you think you have attained so much. And when you can't surrender to me, 'ciao' That's it, kiddo. Finished."
And Guru Maharaj Ji walked away. And this guy sat there and tried to make that water come up to him and nothing happened! He tried to perform all his miracles and nothing happened. And that's the difference right there.
The attributionPrem Rawat's talk at Holi, Miami, 4/8/79 From the Divine Times May/June 1979 Volume 8, Number 3, Page 16.