Don't know how many, but I think quite a few
Re: wondering how many premies/aspirants left because of this forum? -- Hussain Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/15/2005, 13:31:16
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That's why the cult hates the ex-premies so much and is trying to attack them through character assassination, rather than trying to address any of the legitimate criticisms.

I can just say that over the years, quite a number of both premies and aspirants have said that EPO and the Forum were key in getting them to leave the cult.  It's a pretty powerful thing, because information is powerful.

Of course, you have to be ready to hear it, and many premies aren't.  They either just run in the other direction and deny it (claim it's all "false" and "lies") or they do something really, really irresponsible and childish, and say "they don't care" because they have a "nice experience" and that's all that matters.

But many people have left the cult with the help of EPO, and I think quite a few aspirants or "interested people" like yourself have also been helped.

Modified by Joe at Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 09:42:17

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