This poor guy Marcelo chased Rawat for 27 years before he figured out Prem wasn't his pal. He's obviously an intelligent guy, Jewish background, both parents MD's, but got stuck at a young age in MaharajismHe obviously shopped around as a premie and got blown away by a guided self-inquiry. He hung around the presenter long enough to learn the spiel and had some success guiding others to an advaita "experience." It's a learnable skill, you have to present yourself as an authority and be able to walk people through it step-by-step. It reminds me of hypnotism. However, this type of guided inquiry must trigger some specific response in the god part of the brain. But that's sspeculation for others far more qualified than I...
Modified by Gerry at Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 12:38:30