First, you can't know the perspective of an average follower of Jim Jones because they are dead! Second, it was Jim Jones's paranoia alone that caused that mass murder/suicide. He was the only one in charge and he escalated because of his paranoia -- it had nothing to do with his followers, who were captives in Guyana, and certainly not Ryan's and the Concerned Relatives. To lay blame elsewhere is just incorrect and very, very wrong.
Andries, if you haven't read the book: Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People, by Tim Reiterman with Jim Jacobs, then you really should. It chronicles Jones's life from birth through the Guyana tragedy. Reiterman was there, was also shot on the airstrip and survived (he was the San Francisco Chronicle's investigative reporter who accompanied the Ryan party down to Guyana). It's a great book and very well researched and documented by both Reiterman and Jacobs.
Here, you can get it from Amazon -- it comes highly recommended: