People are expendible to him. Just ask the (many) people Rawat has fired from "serving" him and he didn't even have the common humanity to tell them himself, and left them to deal with the financial and other consequences for themselves. Of course, he probably got confidentiality agreements from them as well.
Don't I know that! Worse, if you become unable to continue on serving him due to illness, he still doesn't care and cuts a premie off at the knees, without so much as a get-well card, and forget about a thank you!! Yes, the feeling of being an expendible human being being cast off by the one person you believe loves you the most in your life, is a very horrible feeling. It happened to me and many others, too. There's nothing like being made to feel like failure because you somehow couldn't surrender enough, because you're body couldn't take working practically 24/7 for months on end or because your body got sick due to the unnecessary exposure to toxic chemicals. All for Prem Rawat and his desire to have a jet airplane. And I still adored him without question, long after that DECA project ended.
I do wonder where all those many western Initiators/Instructors are today -- all those folks I saw day in and day out attending the Initiator Development Program (IDP) at the DECA complex in Hialeah, Florida. I also wonder why they have felt it's okay to just walk away silently without saying one word about their involvement in that cult. Confidentiality agreements, I would imagine, apply mostly to talking about what Rawat does in his personal and private time, not what he told Initiators/ Instructors to tell premies and aspirants and how they were to treat them. But, I don't know that either.They were the front line people in the cult, after all, deciding who got Knowledge and conducting initiation Knowledge sessions. Seems to me they have a responsibility to say something, but that's just my opinion.
One of the reasons I continue to be vocal about Prem Rawat and his cult is because I did participate in the perpetuation of Rawat's fraud for so many years and as a result played a part in Rawat's congame. Every time I got up to give satsang (which was very often) I spread the message of a crook, a huckster, a snakeoil salesman -- even though I believed what I was saying at the time. It's much easier to just walk away in silence, I suppose.
I believe I owe it to any young college kid that may come into contact with Prem Rawat through of those "coolchill" young premies, to keep on talking and telling the truth about Prem Rawat. No question about it in my mind.