1b) We respond firmly that this label is intrinsically bigoted. We force a political rethinking, so that "apostate" is categorised with other bigoted labels such as "queer" and "nigger". If they are allowed to refuse the term "cultist" (in the face of overwhelming evidence) then we must be allowed to refuse the term "apostate".
On Wikipedia, the word cult is censored as a pejorative that is synonomous with niger, queer, jew, etc...
I also noticed, and this is would be funny if it wasn't so serious, a spaceholder for an article called "Cultaphobics."
I would imagine premies and other member of cults who are also Wikipedians (and they are the primary perps in this kind of bullshit over there) are ready to say that ex-premies are phobic about cults. Or that we are pathologically afraid of cults. But, hey, all the folks over there think they are experts on any gosh darned topic they choose to cover, so what I say now is "Pranam, Jimbo Wales."
Jimbo Wales is the Wiki guru, chief cook, etc.