CoolChill Handouts -- "What's Hot" FAQs...
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

03/01/2005, 10:22:34
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This is such a good example of the hyprocisy, denial, and lying that goes on in that Rawat cult.  You've to your premies complaining so much about how ex-premies are somehow taking away their freedom of religion by talking about our lives with Prem Rawat, here on F8.  That they want the right to practice their religion, yet, they just can't do it unless we ex-premies just pack in it here and shut up.  But, when faced with something like these faqs, they just turn around and practically spit in your face, "Oh, you're just being hateful and obsessive!"  LOL!

The coolchill site has been re-launched with some nifty new propagation tools, including and don't miss, the "Invites" and "Posters."  This was designed as a "Hand-out" FAQ to give to college kids.

The average age range of people who get sucked into any cults is 18 to 25.

I like the one that says "So who is this guy, "your friend"....


¨ Sounds pretty good, what's the catch?

No catch.

¨ Does this have anything to do with religion?

Nope! This is not a religion, a spiritual practice or a lifestyle. It is a practical way to experience a feeling that is already inside of you.

¨ Will I be required to join some sort of group?

Absolutely not.

¨ You call this a gift; does it cost anything?


¨ So who is this guy, "your friend" that offers this?

His name is Prem Rawat and he has spent his life travelling to make this available to hundreds of thousands of people in over fifty countries.

¨ How could this give someone peace and understanding?

It doesn't, it merely puts you in touch with something you already possess.

¨ Are you claiming that my life will be completely changed and I will immediately become a happier person?

Not quite! This is an ongoing learning process; good times and bad will still come and go and everyday life will go on as it does. However for us there is one fundamental important difference. The joy of this existence is very, very real and the opportunity to live in peace follows us everywhere we go.

¨ Why do you use so many different words, such as peace, understanding and happiness, for what this puts you in touch with?

There are so many words to describe this, and one word could never do it justice. They are all aspects of this one thing, which exists inside all of us.

¨ If I am interested, what are the next steps?

You can send us an email and we will send you a follow-up pack. There are a number of resources for pursuing your interest, including DVDs, satellite broadcasts and live events.

¨ What if I follow up but then decide that it's not for me?

There is no obligation. You can stop or continue, as you like.


¨ What if I follow up but then decide that it's not for me?

There is no obligation. You can stop or continue, as you like.

Modified by Cynthia at Tue, Mar 01, 2005, 10:56:23

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