Ever notice how nobody's name ever appears on this stuff?
Re: Re: Black People With Knowledge Foundation... -- Will Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/28/2005, 13:24:11
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It's just set up by some anonymous "people" who may or may not be "black," and may or may not even exist.  Makes you wonder how somebody who is "interested" would feel not even having a name to address a question to.  Inspires a lot of confidence, no?

Makes you wonder if it's like those fake "interviews" in fake "magazines" that Rawat engages in.  Then he tries to make money off them by selling them online.  Chutzpah.

But seriously, in the past Rawat was always against any kind of subgroup within the cult that catered to particular interests.  I remember there was a "womens" group back in the 70s that got canned, and there was also a "Third World Prachar" convention that also got terminated.

In the West, at least in the USA, the Rawat cult was almost exclusively a white, middle-to-upper-middle-class cult with an inordinate amount of people from Roman Catholic and Jewish backgrounds.  It was also primarily "young people," in their 20s and late teens who got involved, and a small subset of those same people, now Middle Aged, are who most of the "students" are in the USA today.

If you look at the audience at a Rawat "event" you are blinded by the whitness (and the gray hair).

I am noticing that the UK seems to be a little more innovative than other countries in their hip approach to propagation.  I mean, they did that "Pub event," and an "art" show and they may get a trailer for faires.  And now, they have a website for black people. 

I would watch it if I were them, though.  There will probably come a point when Rawat will decide that they are in their minds and they should just watch videos/CDs of Rawat and otherwise keep their big mouths shut.

Nearly every slightly creative thing premies have come up with to "spread knowledge" has ended up being ridiculed by Mr. Rawat.  I don't see why this will end up being any exception.

On the other hand, Rawat ridiculed the Internet for years, and now seems to have embraced it.  He said specifically that "knowledge" would not be "spread" that way, but I guess he changed his mind.  I wonder if he admitted he was wrong?  HAHAHAHA.

Modified by Joe at Mon, Feb 28, 2005, 13:29:46

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