... I would like to have children, but it doesn't seem fair to raise them being exposed to Rawat...
There won't be any Rawat for them to be exposed to by the time they're able to think for themselves, & as far as your wife is concerned, she won't have time to meditate in between staying up all night, changing nappies, & going goo goo goo. Then there's the potty training years,the gloop all over the faces at mealtimes,the wanderings off & getting lost in supermarkets.........yeah, it's a bundle of fun.
I'm at the stage now where the eldest is showing an unhealthy interest in firearms, & shit, I encourage that. Must be a bad parent. The youngest is a bright spark,very pretty, but doesn't realise it yet......I have a strategy planned for the inevitable consequences, but time will tell what pans out.
One thing I do know, is that if either of them ever gets involved in a mindfuck/groupfuck, then Daddy O is going to be the very embarrassing parent who barges into the satsang room with a cricket bat, & gets arrested for wrecking the place.
Oh Yesssss!
Seriously though, why don't you just fuck & forget about it.