"Spirit", shamanic excorcisms, "energetic connections" - these words/expressions are like red flags to me. Great if they helped you get out, but are you prepared to look at these new age constructs for what they really are/may be?There may be a danger that these concepts are a foundation for future cultic relationships - no matter how different they seem from maharajism, and even if they involve only one on one affiliations.
The question I have is this - on what foundation do these concepts exist? For instance the idea that things can be "energetically connected" is hugely ambiguous and rests on the idea that there is a shadowy invisible component to our lives that figures into the way our lives play out in very meaningful ways. But what is the real evidence for it? Where is the science of it? If reality is discerned through largely "intuitive" means, individuals become susceptible to manipulation, because who knows if something is a random "thought" or a message from your "spirit guides" or from "spirit" itself, whatever you may conceive that to be.
I do most emphatically not wish to be disrespectful, although I might be being kind of a jerk by trying to point this out just when you have made such a huge and courageous change in your life - but I saw this happen to another premie who was in an exing process, who basically just shifted alot of unexamined concepts and beliefs into a relationship that quite possibly threatened to repeat a lot of the basic themes of the original cultic relationship - dependence on an "other" who supposedly has "special" or unique "knowledge" or "insight."
If I have erred in my note of caution, please wave an indulgent hand at me and brush my concerns away as inconsequential and irrelevant.
Best wishes,
song stir