Just because I post a message to my friend Kelly and it happens to be in the same thread as someone named Kerry you automatically jump to conclusions, don't you?
You don't check with me first, you just jump to conclusions with no real valid proof.Not only that, you post a public message implying that my eyesight is not quite perfect and that I own a pair of specs. How the hell do you know that? You just assumed it, didn't you? Typical!!!

No, sorry Kerry, really ......my good wishes still stand and if you give me a minute or two I'll come up with some corny excuse for the boo-boo. No, seriously, I've never known anyone called Kerry and a good friend of mine....Sue..had a daughter named Kelly.Maybe it just came out as I was typing.And, yes, I have a really neat pair of reading specs....only for reading, mind ya. I've an image to maintain and all that, ho hum.
......And Kerry, you won't be missing much having ditched PR from the centre of your life....you'll see. The sun still rises and sets and the birds still chirp...