Re: Rawat Memorabilia
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02/10/2005, 18:00:02
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In 2001 the hosts of were sent a letter from EV's lawyers claiming that EPO breached EV's copyright by including quotes from Rawat, song lyrics, and pictures. We successfully argued that we had the right to include this material although EV weren't willing to test this in court. Other legal actions are taking place where material that Rawat ordered destroyed is valuable evidence.

I understand the need to purge that part of out lives, and I had a cathartic experience tearing up the enlargements I had made of my favorite Rawat photos, but early videos, tapes, and anything that includes Rawat talking about Amaroo could be of value. By destroying this stuff (assuming your collection was from that era) you are actually obeying agya!

If you still have anything from the 70s, then you could send it to me. If not don't worry!

BTW, did EPO play any part in your journey away from Rawat?


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