Re: 3-40 AM
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Posted by:
Joe ®

02/09/2005, 21:54:21
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I don't think I could stay up that late, and I need 7-8 hours to be happy.  When I was young I could go without sleep and God knows as a premie I did it a lot. 

We used to sing Arti at 5 AM in one ashram I was in, and I had to be at work by 7 AM, and then there was satsang, meditation and the rest, so I never got more than 6 hours' sleep and usually less.  Then there were festivals, etc.

Now I wouldn't do that for anything.  One nice thing about not being a premie is that I could use that useless "meditation" time to get more sleep, or maybe having sex which is always nice, instead. 2 more hours a day was kind of nice.  No more satsang either.  More time to actually enjoy life.

What's a "comp?"  Is that a composition?  A musical composition?

When I hear "comp," I think "workers' comp" which particularly a mess right now in the state of California, although the Terminator is supposed to be saving us as I write this.  Guru help us!

Modified by Joe at Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 21:58:25

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