Benjamin Zablocki, a lonely voice of fairness in dealing with ex-followers
Posted by:
Andries ®

02/09/2005, 17:09:24
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I am reading the book "NRMs in the 21st Century: legal, political, and social challenges in global perspective" edited by Phillip Charles Lucas and Thomas Robbins, (2004) ISBN 0145965772 That book contains an article written by Benjamin Zablocki and J. Anna Looney called "Research on NRMs in the Post-9/11 World"

In contrast to the unfair and insulting generalizations about critical ex-followers of NRMs by Bromley, Shupe, Melton, and Wilson, Zablocki and Looney write that testimonies of ex-members are important but neglected by scholars and that empirical evidence done by him and Lucas shows that their testimonies are just as (un-)reliable as the testimonies of people who stayed.

One article in the book by James A. Beckford makes a charicature of the critics of NRMs.

Another article by Susan J. Palmer considers it important to mention negative details about the life of one critic though these details have no relationship with his criticism of the NRM. In other words, an ad hominem attack.

The book does not mention that criticism by the media of cults and NRMs has the positive effect of providing consumer protection for spiritual seekers. Instead, it focuses on the possible discrimination and persecution that such media exposure could have.


Related link: Zablocki's homepage
Modified by Andries at Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 17:34:39

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