I recall when I was still a premie, but having all kinds of problems and doubts, I wrote a number of letters to Prem Rawat; I even gave one to an Initiator who promised he would get it to him personally, or see that it got to him personally.
I never got any response whatsoever. Nada. By that point, I had lived in his asrhams for almost 10 years, but I didn't even get a "no comment." Nothing.
At the time, I alternated between thinking that Rawat was perfect, and his non-response was therefore the "perfect" response for me, exactly what I needed (note the closed, circular, programmed thinking of a cult member who cannot allow doubt to enter), and feeling frustrated at the total lack of direction.
Just to be clear, I was writing about what I saw as the abuse ashram premies were sustaining by some of the more sadistic initiators, and how I didn't know how to react to it, or what I should do. And it was causing me to "doubt" Maharaji's repeated statements that if we surrendered our lives to him he would take care of everything. That was the substance of the letters. No response.
Later, we find out that most of the letters that Rawat gets go into the trash. He doesn't even read them, let alone respond.
I know when I was at IHQ, two premies (one was Sally Reeder), had the "service" of responding to letters to Prem Rawat. Sally said she believed that "the grace" of Maharaji flowed through her, so she felt it was appropriate for her to answer the letters instead of Rawat. I think I believed that too, at the time.